Dr. David S. Salisbury
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Journal Articles
Reygadas, Y., Spera, S. A., & Salisbury, D. S. (2023). Effects of deforestation and forest degradation on ecosystem service indicators across the Southwestern Amazon. Ecological Indicators, 147, 109996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.109996 [open access]
Koga, D.M., Brown, I.F., Fearnside, P.M., Salisbury, D.S., & da Silva, S.S. (2022). Serra do Divisor National Park: A protected area under threat in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Environmental Conservation 49: 74-82. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0376892922000091 [open access]
Reygadas Langarica, Y., Spera, S., Galati, V., Salisbury, D. S., da Silva, S. S., & Novoa, S. 2021. Mapping forest disturbances across the Southwestern Amazon: tradeoffs between open-source, Landsat-based algorithms. Environmental Research Communications 3(9): 091001
Salisbury, David S., Aguirre, C. N., Gudiño, M.E., López Martín, F., Pyszczek, O. L., Sanabria, R., Snaider, P. P. 2018. El Atlas del Cambio Climático de las Américas. Revista Geográfica 159: 109-126.
Velasco Alarcón, C. Melissa, Salisbury, David S., Groth, Aaron A. 2017. La Religión de la Infraestructura en las Fronteras Amazónicas: El Caso del Purús. Journal of Latin American Geography 16, no 3: 107-134.
Salisbury, David S., Anderson, E., Bilsborrow, R., Campbell, C., Madonado-Ocampo, J., Perz, S., Díaz-Zúñiga, E. 2015. Transformando la Educación Superior para una Amazonía Cambiante. Investigación Universitaria, Edición Extraordinaria, Revista de la Universidad Nacional de Ucayali: 7-9.
Leal, Diego B., Salisbury, David S., Faquín Fernández, Josué, Cauper Pezo, Lizardo, Silva, Julio. 2015. Ideas Cambiantes sobre Territorio, Recursos, y Redes Políticas en la Amazonía Indígena: Un Estudio de Caso sobre Perú. Journal of Latin American Geography 14, no 2: 181-204.
Salisbury, David S., Flores de Melo, A.Willian, and Pedro Tipula Tipula. 2014. Transboundary Political Ecology in the Peru-Brazil Borderlands: Mapping Workshops, Geographic Information, and Socio-Environmental Impacts. Revista Geográfica 152: 105-115.
Salisbury, David S., Leal, Diego B., Chávez Michaelsen, Andrea B., Balbín Ordaya, Bertha, Flores de Melo, A.Willian, Tipula Tipula, Pedro, and Maria Luisa Ochoa 2014. Cartografía, Corredores, y Cooperación: La Búsqueda de Soluciones Transfronterizas en las Fronteras Amazónicas. Revista Cartográfica. 89: 131-143.
Salisbury, David S. and Ben G. Weinstein. 2014. Cultural Diversity in the Amazon Borderlands: Implications for Conservation and Development. Journal of Borderlands Studies. 29, no 2: 217-241, DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2014.916462
Salisbury, David S. and Chris Fagan. 2013. Coca and conservation: cultivation, eradication, and trafficking in the Amazon borderlands. Geojournal. DOI: 10.1007/s10708-011-9430-x.
Salisbury, David S., A. William Flores De Melo, and Pedro Tipula Tipula. "Transboundary Political Ecology in the Peru-Brazil Borderlands: Mapping Workshops, Geographic Information, and Socio-Environmental Impacts." Revista Geográfica 152 (2012): 105-15.
Salisbury, D.S., Borgo López, José, and Vela Alvarado, Jorge W. 2011. Transboundary political ecology in Amazonia: history, culture, and conflicts of the borderland Asháninka. Journal of Cultural Geography 28, no 1: 147-177.
Salisbury, David S., Antelo Gutiérrez, A. L., Pérez Alván, C., and J. W. Vela Alvarado. 2010. Fronteras Vivas or dead ends? The impact of military settlement projects in the Amazon borderlands of Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography 9, no. 2: 49-71.
Salisbury, David S. and Marianne Schmink. 2007. Cows versus Rubber: Changing livelihoods among Amazonian extractivists. Geoforum 38, no. 6: 1233-1249.
Book ChaptersSalisbury, D. S., Powell C. V., Balbín Ordaya, B., Tipula Tipula, P., Alvarado, D. E., Huayaney, M. A., Reis Brown, V., Lopes, E., Flores de Melo, A. W., Novoa Sheppard, S., Pinedo Ochoa, M. L., Rengifo Cardenas, P. E., Silva, S. d. S., de Melo Silva, J. F., Spera, S. A., Vela Alvarado, J. W., González Gamarra, D. O. (2023). Crossing boundaries: Transboundary geographic information in the Amazon borderlands of Peru and Brazil. In Ed. López, C. S. Socio-Environmental Research in Latin America: Interdisciplinary Approaches Using GIS and Remote Sensing Frameworks, 33-55. Springer Nature. ISBN978-3-031-22679-3. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-22680-9_3
Lopez, S., Salisbury, D. S., (2023). Challenges and opportunities: Interdisciplinary GIScience Research on Human-Environment Dynamics in Latin America. In Ed. López, C. S. Socio-Environmental Research in Latin America: Interdisciplinary Approaches Using GIS and Remote Sensing Frameworks, 281-291. Springer Nature. ISBN978-3-031-22679-3. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-22680-9_13
Salisbury, David S., Castro Sánchez Moreno, Mariano, Dávalos Torres, Luís, Guimaraes Vásquez, Robert, Saito Diaz, José, Tipula Tipula, Pedro, Treneman Young, Andrés, Arana Courrejolles, Carlos, Arana, Martín, and the Grupo de Monitoreo de Megaproyectos Región Ucayali. 2013. “Border integrations: The fusion of political ecology and land-change science to inform and contest transboundary integration in Amazonia.” Pgs. 129-149 in Land Change Science and Political Ecology: Synergies and Divergences, Eds. Brannstrom, C. and J. M. Vadjunec. London: Earthscan. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415540230/
Salisbury, David S. 2011. “GIS maps and the Amazon borderlands.” Pgs. 278-82 in Mapping Latin America: A Cartographic Reader. Eds. Dym, Jordana and Karl Offen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Salisbury, David S. 2003. “Uso de la Tierra en la Zona de Influencia de la Provincia del Purus” in Alto Purus: Biodiversidad, Conservación y Manejo, Eds. Renata Leite-Pitman, Nigel Pitman and Patricia Álvarez. Lima: Center for Tropical Conservation. pp. 177-189.
Additional PublicationsResearch Reports
Quispe, M., Novoa, S., Salisbury, D. S., da Silva S. S., Montoya, M., Demaret, D., Babchak, T., Sosa Antunez, N., Spera, S. A. (2023). Monitoreo de caminos forestales en la Amazonía peruana en 2023 (enero a septiembre). Boletín No. 3, Monitoreo de Caminos Forestales (MOCAF). Conservación Amazónica (ACCA), Amazon Borderlands Spatial Analysis Team (ABSAT), Laboratório de Geoprocesamiento Aplicado ao Meio Ambiente (LabGAMA), Universidade Federal do Acre-Floresta (UFAC-Floresta). https://mailchi.mp/conservacionamazonica/boletin_mocaf_n3
Winiarski, N., Salisbury, D. S., Nascimento, E., da Silva S. S., Quispe, M., Novoa, S., Montoya, M., Babchak, T., Demaret, D., Sosa Antunez, N., Kroodsma, G., Jetton, V., Foley, D., & Spera, S. A. (2023). Monitoramento de estradas no Acre, Brasil em 2022, Boletín No. 2, Monitoreo de Caminos Forestales (MOCAF). Conservación Amazónica (ACCA), Amazon Borderlands Spatial Analysis Team (ABSAT), Laboratório de Geoprocesamiento Aplicado ao Meio Ambiente (LabGAMA), Universidade Federal do Acre-Floresta (UFAC-Floresta), SERVIR Amazonia. https://mailchi.mp/conservacionamazonica/boletin_mocaf_n2_port?e=c1d633c946 In English, En Español
Quispe, M., Novoa, S., Salisbury, D. S., da Silva S. S., Winiarski, N., Babchak, T., Montoya, M., Sosa Antunez, N., Kroodsma, G., Jetton, V., Demaret, D., Foley, D., & Spera, S. A. (2023). Monitoreo de caminos forestales en la Amazonía peruana en 2022. Boletín No. 1, Monitoreo de Caminos Forestales (MOCAF). Conservación Amazónica (ACCA), Amazon Borderlands Spatial Analysis Team (ABSAT), Laboratório de Geoprocesamiento Aplicado ao Meio Ambiente (LabGAMA), Universidade Federal do Acre-Floresta (UFAC-Floresta), SERVIR Amazonia. https://mailchi.mp/conservacionamazonica/boletin_mocaf_n1Salisbury, David S., Reygadas, Yunuen., Hernández, Tereza., Thomas, Sydney, Jetton, Violet., Collard, Elspeth., Demerit, Delaney., Winiarski, Nathan., Simpson, Courtney., Spera, Stephanie. 2022. Workshop Report: Ecosystem Services and Socio-Environmental Dynamics in the Indigenous Territories of the Ucayali-Yurúa-Juruá". Breu, Yurua, Peru. June, 2022. Published Nov. 9, 2022. Washington, DC. 30 pp. NASA SERVIR Service Catalogue: English; Español.
Salisbury, David S., Reygadas, Yunuen., Hernández, Tereza., Thomas, Sydney, Jetton, Violet., Collard, Elspeth., Demerit, Delaney., Winiarski, Nathan., Simpson, Courtney., Spera, Stephanie. 2022. Workshop Report: Ecosystem Services and Socio-Environmental Dynamics in the Indigenous Territories of the Ucayali-Yurúa-Juruá". Breu, Yurua, Peru. June, 2022. Published Nov. 9, 2022. Washington, DC. 30 pp. NASA SERVIR Service Catalogue: English; Español.
Salisbury, David S., Reygadas, Yunuen., Hernández, Tereza., Thomas, Sydney. Jetton, Violet. Collard, Elspeth., Demerit, Delaney., Winiarski, Nathan., Simpson, Courtney., Spera, Stephanie, Alvarado, Desiree, Flores de Melo, Willian A. Martín, Vanesa. 2022. Taller “Corredores Transfronterizos y Servicios Ecosistémicos de la Amazonía Sudoccidental”. June, 2022. 21 pp. Pucallpa, Ucayali, Perú. Published Nov. 9, 2022. Washington, DC. 30 pp. NASA SERVIR Service Catalogue: English; Español.
GIS Hubs, Dashboards, Applications, Data, and Digital Atlas
Grupo Geográfico Transfronterizo de la Amazonía Sud-Occidental (GTASO), Salisbury, D. S., Walsh, G., Zizzamia, E. 2020. GTASO Data Access Community ArcGIS Hub: https://gtaso-data-urichmond.hub.arcgis.com/<
Galati, V., Spera, S., Reygadas, Y., Salisbury, D. 2021. Time Series of NDVI and EV in Ucayali-Peru and Acre-Brazil. Tethys App. Google Earth Engine: https://mariana.richmond.edu/apps/earth-engine/
Instituto Pan-Americano de Geografía e Historia, Instituto Geográfico de Aragón, López Martín, F., Salisbury, D. S., Aguirre, N., Barrenechea, F. et al. (2019) Atlas del Cambio Climático de las Américas, Versión Beta: https://idearagon.aragon.es/lib/IDEAragon/examples/ACCA/ACCA.html
See 50+ maps under www.ABSATrichmond.com , and Personal Website
Salisbury, David S. 2015. Asháninka bowman negotiating the snags on the Alto Purús River in the remote reaches of the Peruvian Amazon. Cover photograph for the Journal of Latin American Geography 14, no 2. https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/32216
Salisbury, David S. 2015. Maquisapa. Cover photograph for Investigación Universitaria, Edición Extraordinaria of the Journal of the Universidad Nacional de Ucayali. https://uramazoniaesp.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/screen-shot-2015-06-22-at-2-23-18-pm.png
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