Study Abroad
In its essence, the study of geography is international as geographers study human societies and their interaction and understanding of the physical and natural environments in all corners of the world. Future geographers need to understand the cultural perspectives of the local population when reviewing geographical data about a certain region of the world. Studying abroad gives students a chance to understand the study of geography from different cultural perspectives.
In order to accomplish the above goal, the Department of Geography recommends that study abroad students consider the following when studying abroad:
- Take at least one class in regional or local geography
- Look for hands-on experiences, such as fieldwork
- Find coursework in languages other than English (when possible)
- Take classes abroad that our department does not offer or offers infrequently, such as field methods, Asian geography, African geography, etc. (when possible)
Recommended Programs
As we emerge from the pandemic emergency, UR’s Office of International Education has increasingly emphasized international programs with demonstrated resiliency and adaptability. Some programs offer physical geography, human geography, and geospatial technology. Others may only offer one or two of these subjects. To best explore the geography opportunities abroad in UR’s international programs, including summer programs, internships, and semester programs in other locations, as well as information on financial aid, scholarships, and application procedures, visit the Office of International Education and consult with one of the geography faculty members, several of whom are international education award winners.